The devastating earthquake and tropical storm that hit Haiti left many in need. Our Parish Mission Team is in frequent contact with the priests who support Bercy and the surrounding communities.
Fr. Dossous’ report from Bercy states that there were many cracks in the walls of the school classrooms and that part of the administrative office collapsed. He said most homes in the area were either damaged or destroyed and that everyone is sleeping outside in the Bercy community.
On Sunday, August 22nd, with the help of Deep Spring International and your generous donations, 100 buckets and Gadyen Dlo (Gadyen Dlo or “water guardian” in Haitian Creole is a liquid disinfectant, locally produced in Léogâne, Haiti) were delivered to the people of Bercy.
We hope to transmit additional emergency funds as soon as possible. If you would like to assist those affected by this tragedy, please write a check payable to: “St. Thomas à Becket” and indicate “2021 Haiti Disaster Relief” on the memo line. Checks may be placed in the Sunday collection basket or mailed to the Parish Office. A gift may also be made using the new Faith Direct “2021 Haiti Disaster Relief” account. Visit, Church Code VA109
As always, thank you for your prayers and generosity.