40 Hours Devotion at St. Thomas à Becket June 8 – 11

The celebration of Forty Hours in every region of the Diocese is part of the Diocesan-wide
preparation for the Golden Jubilee in 2024. At the heart of the Forty Hours Devotion is the Holy Eucharist, the very Real and True Presence of God himself. Christ our Lord is really and substantially present in this great Sacrament, and through our participation in the devotion we enter his presence, remember the salvation he won for us, rejoice in him, and become signs of his divine renewal in our world.

The devotion of Forty Hours originated six centuries ago in Milan. The practice spread quickly in the West through figures such as Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Saint Philip Neri, Saint Charles Borromeo, Pope Clement VIII, and Pope Clement XII.  It was fervently promoted in the United States by Saint John Neumann, the fourth bishop of Philadelphia, and in 1866, the devotion was approved for use throughout the United States.

We encourage you to participate in our parish Forty Hours Devotion and in those of other parishes, spending time in prayer before the Eucharistic Lord, who can and will help us in our every need.  To register or to join other adorers at St. Thomas à Becket, please click on this link:  https://adore.familyce.org/June2023/MainIndex.php

To download a devotion guide, please click here:  Golden Jubilee Year II 40 Hours Aid

*** January 10/11 - It is Brown Bag Sunday. Please bring canned goods to share with our neighbors in need.***