
Please know of my gratitude for your faithful support of our parish as we have continuing operating needs, and offertory is the main source of revenue to meet our expenses. I recognize that some of you may have less income depending on your circumstances and we are hearing from those who live with the anxiety of financial instability exacerbated by recent developments and who are asking for our assistance. For those of you who still have your regular income, would you please consider continuing your financial support of the parish so that we will be able to continue operations and our social outreach ministry during these uncertain times.

Checks may be mailed to the parish office at 1421 Wiehle Ave., Reston, VA.

For those familiar with online giving, our parish link is:

May God protect you and your loved ones, and keep you safe from harm.

Fr. Bill

***Inclement Weather Policy: All scheduled Masses will be celebrated if a priest is able to get to the church. All parish activities, including Religious Education classes, follow the Fairfax County School System weather closings. ***