Message to the Parish


The Pastoral Council of Saint Thomas à Becket has been challenged, as all of you, by the new reality created by the presence of Covid19. The Council held its first official meeting in June, 2020 via Zoom and has met every month since at the church with masks and social distancing. Futures meetings will be every other month.

The Council is committed to keeping parishioners informed about council activities and want to encourage parishioners to bring ideas, concerns or comments to the attention of Council members. We will be announcing dates of meetings on the website and in the bulletin. We will post minutes of meetings on the website. On the website you will find the names of Council members, the length of their terms beginning July 1, 2020, the names of officers and their email addresses, which you can use to communicate with the Council.

Initial meetings have been about getting to know one another, developing a phone tree to reach out to parishioners and beginning to plan for activities to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of St Thomas a Becket Catholic Church. Click this link to follow the plans for the anniversary celebration.

You can help us with our Phone tree effort by updating your contact information, especially email addresses and cell phones, through the “Contact Us” page on the website. Simply click on that page and scroll down to a form that will receive your information and send a message to the Parish Staff.

The Pastoral Council serves as an advisory group to our pastor, Father Schardt, and as representatives for the parish community. It is our hope to serve and represent you well and, together, to build a prayerful, engaged church. You are in our prayers and we ask that you pray for us.


*** Young Adults will meet this evening, September 18th at 6:30 p.m. beginning in the church. ***