Holy Week / Easter Mass Online
The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception will broadcast their Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday) online and via EWTN. ——- Click on the…
Chrism Mass – 10:30 Holy Thursday
Here is the link to watch the Chrism Mass, celebrated by Bishop Burbidge from the Cathedral of St. Thomas More. Mass with Bishop Burbidge | Chrism Mass | April 1,…
Palm Sunday – March 28th
Palm Sunday Mass Schedule: ♦ Saturday Vigil – 5:00 p.m. ♦ Sunday – 7:30 a.m. – (9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. CLOSED) Reservations are required for Palm Sunday Masses Please remember…
Stations of the Cross
Did you know that we have outdoor Stations of the Cross, built along a gravel path above the Wiehle Road side parking lot? The path is designed to invite you…
Parish Facebook Page
Your Pastoral Council has established an official Facebook page for St. Thomas à Becket Parish! If you have a Facebook account, please go to https://www.facebook.com/stthomasabecketrestonva and give our parish a…
Live Stream & Recorded Masses
Bishop Burbidge has retained the dispensation from attending Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligation for all the faithful of the Diocese during this time. For those who are able,…
850th Anniversary of St. Thomas à Becket Martyrdom
Our parish patronal saint has been in the news lately! Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, was murdered in his cathedral on 29 December 1170 by four of Henry II’s knights…
Outdoor Nativity
A long-time family custom is to pile the kids in the car and drive around the neighborhood to look at Christmas lights. Please consider adding our parish to your route,…
Thank you dear parishioners!
Dear Parishioners, We gratefully appreciate your continued support of the parish. Some of you have mailed your contribution envelopes to us and our volunteer counters are working with our staff…
Remembering Fr. John Langan, SJ
Rev. John Patrick Langan, SJ, was born in Hartford, CT, on August 10, 1940. He graduated from University of Detroit Jesuit High School, and after declining a National Merit scholarship,…
Pastoral Council Election Results
The following individuals were elected to serve on the Pastoral Council: Ali Althen Gary Beach Bob Dunphy Lisa Sechrest-Erhardt Jennifer Stroik Mathew Verghese Our deepest gratitude to all who participated…
Parish Library (over 500 titles)
Come and peruse our collection- over 500 titles! The Parish Library is open after daily and Sunday Masses and after Religious Education classes. ALL are welcome to browse or check…